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Woodside Christian Preschool gives thanks with donations for Code Blue


Woodside Christian Preschool (WCP) students are sharing generosity this November by collecting gift cards and food items that will be used when Woodside Church hosts Code Blue for the homeless in January.

Woodside Church partners with the Advocates for Homeless and Those In Need (AHTN) each winter to provide a shelter for homeless neighbors when the temperature dips below 32 degrees at night. The preschool is collecting breakfast items through the month of November as part of its ministry of outreach to the community. Discussions in the classroom will focus on being grateful, and lessons for the children will center on how even the smallest of us can be helpful to others.

WCP and Woodside Church, 1667 Edgewood Road, Yardley, have a collection bin in the lobby, and donations can be dropped off throughout the day. Specific requests are: granola/breakfast bars, fruit cups/applesauce cups, cereal (individual or large family sized boxes), instant oatmeal, juice boxes, powdered creamer, decaf coffee and decaf tea, hot chocolate packets and Pop-Tarts.

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