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Springfield police plan enforcement blitz on Quarry Road


“As a result of the Richlandtown Pike bridge closure and accompanying detour, folks have determined that Quarry Road may make a good shortcut,” Springfield Township Police Department posted on the CrimeWatch website.

“This is a public notice that Quarry Road is posted at 25 miles per hour and our officers will be out there, whenever possible, enforcing speed. Quarry Road is a narrow, winding, rural roadway that is not built for high speeds or large vehicles.

“STPD is working with PennDOT in order to reduce and, if possible, eliminate commercial vehicles from utilizing Quarry Road and Gruversville Road. Again, these roadways simply aren’t engineered for this type of traffic.

Residents are encouraged to contact the police department at 215-328-8523 for immediate safety issues observed on these roadways. For general concerns or issues not in progress, call 610-346-7600 or email the Chief of Police directly at

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