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Letters to the Herald

Pressure Hamas to surrender


There is a single act that would end the fighting in Gaza. In fact, this simple solution has been there for months now and should have been promulgated and encouraged by the world right from the beginning. The fact that it has not happened tells me that Hamas certainly does not care about the devastation that has befallen the Palestinian people in Gaza. And it makes me wonder about the motivation of those who only insist that Israel stop the counterattack it launched after the Hamas invasion of Israel that resulted in over 1,200 Israeli deaths.

The solution: the Hamas leadership surrenders and calls on its forces to stop fighting. It could surrender to an international body like the United Nations if it prefers. Its fighters could move to a country friendly to its cause. The world should be applying as much pressure on Hamas as it is directing towards Israel. Then maybe the carnage will stop.

Dick Sakulich, Doylestown

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