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Happy to Be Here: The Herald is here for you


From January to December, every week, all year long, the Bucks County Herald offers the news you really need to know — what’s going on in your own backyard.

The paper has been offered in print free of charge for 21 years. That’s 1,092 issues, more than 23 million copies and about 920 million pages of local information — local government news, sports, entertainment and community photographs. And that’s only part of the more than 350,000 reached online and in print in a month today. Our first print run was 3,500, reaching about 8,500 readers.

We are grateful for the generous contributions to the Herald Foundation’s Journalism Fund in 2023. Those donations plus federal support and advertising sustained us through this year. Now we are preparing for 2024, when federal support is no longer available. We are asking for donations to the foundation’s year-end campaign.

But many nonprofits are competing for funding. Here are some of the messages we’ve been receiving.

The calendars started coming in September — maybe it was August. It seemed early in 2023 to be thinking about 2024. The wall calendars come from nonprofit organizations betting that they’ve sent a year-long reminder of organizations that enhance our lives.

Beautiful calendars, stunning photographs, magnificent landscapes, wild animals in action, historic sites and all are free. But by the way, they ask, “Can you please send a donation to help support the organization?” Some, if the group does not get a response, send follow-up letters asking, “Did you receive our calendar?”

Calendars are just one way to solicit funds. The Ocean Conservancy sent a jigsaw puzzle. The March of Dimes sends me a dime every month. The Kids of St. Jude sent a “special gift” last week.

Feed the Children promises on the envelope “Your gift will be multiplied 7 times to feed hungry children.” The Wilderness Society sends a temporary membership card that will be confirmed with a donation.

We are deluged with mail asking for money at this time of the year. So many people need so much support all the time, in this country and in foreign countries facing wars, famine, displaced families, migrants crossing borders, homelessness, and disease.

And locals are calling for help. They are libraries, environmental groups, civic associations, sports clubs, charitable funds, churches, historical societies, music performance groups, artists and galleries, theaters, children’s support groups, public and private schools, museums, conservancies, health institutions and social clubs.

They have told us they don’t know what they’d do without the Herald.

At the Herald we are acutely aware that readers are making choices, deciding which organizations to support.

We hope you understand the vital importance of local news to America’s democracy and will remember to donate to the Herald Foundation’s Journalism Fund. You support writers and photographers, all people who live nearby, and they are supporting you.

Your money goes to a place in your own community. Here we give out authentic information.

Send checks addressed to the Bucks County Herald Foundation. 875 N. Easton Road, Doylestown Pa. 18902.

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