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Letters to the Herald

Solar installation will save taxpayer money


The Herald recently addressed the installation of West Rockhill’s solar panels thanks in large part to research done by Supervisor Jim Miller. However, Jay Kayser commented about what an offensive eyesore it is.

I attend all WRT supervisors‘ meetings virtually every third Wednesday and heard his “eyesore” comments but Kayser was the only supervisor who voted in favor of the quarry expansion at County Line and Ridge roads a few years ago.

Is that not an eyesore that also taps into our water supply? What about the hundreds of trucks loaded with stone that travel on Route 563 that take a toll on our roads? Is that not an eyesore?

The last six years make it obvious Jim Miller is motivated by the desire to save the WRT taxpayer money while improving the facilities economically. The solar panels will sit there surrounded by a fence and seeded with native flower seeds.

They just sit there and save us all money.

Regina Schrameyer
West Rockhill Township

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