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Brian Gormley exhibits representational landscapes


The new “Eyes of March” art exhibition, featuring Bucks County landscape paintings by Brian Gormley, opens March 6 and will continue for the rest of the month at J.B. Klein & Son, located at 25 Bridge St., Lambertville, N.J.

The opening starts at 6 p.m. and runs until 9 p.m., with social distancing measures in place. Reservations and masks are required. The show will be livestreamed at Facebook-J.B.Kline for those unable to attend.

The exhibition will feature landscape paintings of the local area, all completed in the last three months. They combine representational images with abstract shapes of the land.

Originally an abstract painter, Gormley has turned to representational landscapes highlighting the elements of nature. The paintings combine unique forms with his distinctive color sense.

Gormley’s paintings have been featured at the Tinicum Arts Festival, with his most recent exhibition featured in Allentown.

For information, call 609-397-7026 or email

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